Market Snapshot listing alerts

Like peanut butter and jelly, milk and cookies, or scotch and ice, Market Snapshot and Listing Alerts are the beginning of something amazing…

You’ve been sending Market Snapshots to your clients and have positioned yourself as the neighborhood expert. Good job! It’s time to take that to the next level with Market Snapshot Listing Alerts.

Picture this… Jeff and Carmen want a large (3+ bedroom) house in Phoenix. You’ve been sending them Market Snapshots for a while. The one property they liked was a bit out of their price range, but it’s just been reduced! Minutes later, they receive this in their Inbox:


Even though they like it and it matches their search, it’s still more than they wanted to spend. A little while later, they receive this brand new listing in their Inbox:


And it’s perfect! They click to see more details and see it’s exactly what they’ve been looking for. They waste no time and immediately pick up the phone to call you.

Cool right? The best part of all of this—you didn’t have to do a thing (except be the amazing Realtor that you are).

Want to learn or see more? We’d love to help! Give us a call at 1-800-821-3657, or check out this article for some examples and FAQs.

Screenshots represent site and mobile applications as of publication date. Site and mobile applications subject to change without notice.