It’s a new year and we think the perfect time to warm up those frostbitten leads in your database. And the best way to do that is by providing value and keeping them engaged until they’re ready to make a move—no matter how far off that day may be.
This may sound like a tall order, but if you break it down, it’s simple—stop sending content that serves you, and start sending the stuff consumers care about. As Gary Vaynerchuk so brilliantly put it—cut through the noise and be the digital mayor in your town. And while Gary goes on to say that doing this is really hard work, we’ve got a simple 4-step strategy (and the content) to get you there with a lot less effort.
So what do consumers want to know?
A lot of it is the practical stuff—the market trends, public transportation and school ratings. Putting all this together is hard work, but if you have Market Snapshot®, you’re already 90% of the way there. From market stats, to what the neighbor’s house just sold for, to walkability and school ratings, you’re covered. Then you just need to fill in the blanks with the stories that make your town unique.
So let’s warm up your cold leads with all this amazing content, shall we?
From cold to toasty in just 4 steps
From how to find the leads, to what to send and the email templates to follow up with, this couldn’t get any easier.
Step 1: Find them.
Look no further than the Follow-up Coach and Sales Pipeline in Top Producer® CRM. The Follow-up Coach will bubble up new leads and other contacts you haven’t connected with in a while, and the New tab in the Sales Pipeline will show all leads and when you received them.
Step 2: Warm them up.
Now that you’ve found them, warm them up by sending a quick email. (The image below shows the steps from the Coach, but from the Sales Pipeline it’s as easy as tapping the email icon.)
Step 3: Send value.
Not only are Market Snapshot® reports an effortless and effective way to provide tailored, targeted and personalized content, the click-through rates are off the charts. (Click-through rate just means they clicked through to view your stuff. And not to brag, but compare 13%+ click-through rates to the industry average of just 1.91%. )
So why are they so good? Because they’re either looking at how much their home is worth, or taking in details about a neighborhood they might want to move to. It doesn’t get more personal than that.
Step 4: Keep in touch.
The minute you connect your email marketing to your phone call prospecting, the effectiveness of both shoot through the roof. And here’s a super easy way to do just that.
1. After you send the Market Snapshot® report (step 3 above), or any correspondence for that matter, when we prompt you to wrap it up, say yes > then schedule a follow-up call for a couple of days later.
2. Then, when you’re reminded to call, you can check out if they’ve viewed the snapshot in Top Producer® CRM before you pick up the phone:
3. And as if that wasn’t easy enough, the Follow-up Coach will also bubble up any non-lookers a few days after you send a snapshot. If you don’t want to pick up the phone and ask why, then just send the email template we created for this very purpose:
And that’s all there is to it. With Top Producer® CRM and Market Snapshot® in your corner, you’re 90% there. Fill in that 10% gap by producing content that tells only the stories you can—the local culture, the flair and people that make your town the best place to live in the world—and you will officially reach digital mayor status.
Screenshots represent site and mobile applications as of publication date. Site and mobile applications subject to change without notice.