About Newsletters

The Newsletter is an opportunity for you to share relevant knowledge and current information about the real estate market with existing and potential clients. You choose one of the areas you defined in Area Management to determine what area will be featured in your Newsletter.

Tip: Newsletters can be downloaded in PDF format for printing. This format will not contain links to social media.

As the agent, you are involved in the creation and distribution of the Newsletter. The following summarizes the process of creating the Newsletter.

Overview of Newsletter Workflow

  1. Prior to setting up a Newsletter, you should have created geographical areas and imported any images you may want to use.

  2. Set up your list of subscribers: import a csv file, import leads from 8i, add contacts from your existing Inquiry Report, or add a contact manually. The only information required is first and last name, and email address. You can of course edit this list at any time.

  3. Set up the Newsletter: select the Newsletter type (if applicable), the area, format and display types. Also select the content and specify your invitation and approval settings.

  4. When Top Marketer generates the Newsletter, if you have specified that you want to approve it, you will receive a notification email pointing you to the Newsletter. You can edit it if necessary, and approve it.

  5. Top Marketer sends an email to your contacts with a subscribed status. The email contains a link to the Newsletter.

  6. Each time a recipient views the Newsletter, Top Marketer tracks the date and time for your information. The same information is sent to 8i if you use it.

  7. When a new subscriber signs up—or you add one—you decide whether to send the current Newsletter, or if the subscriber should wait until the next issue.


You select the market data graph and the articles you want to include in a Newsletter, and can edit and approve each one before it is sent out.


Each Newsletter contains a Market Data graph based on the geographical area you have selected. You can include up to four graphs per Newsletter.


Choose different content for the articles based on a series of articles, such as information directed at first time home buyers, or seller's tips. A new article will be included in your Newsletter each month, based on the series you choose. However, you can select a different article during the approval process, if desired.


The Newsletter can be distributed to your subscribers or potential leads using any, or all, of the following methods:

Tip: A Newsletter sign-up form is available for you to place on a Web site, or Facebook, to capture more leads. For information, see Subscription Signup.

Newsletter Administration and Authoring

A Top Producer specialist will access Top Marketer data periodically to edit standard and dynamic text—such as market parameters—that affects the Newsletter.


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