Top Producer® 8i CRM: Calendar Settings Overview

The Calendar Settings section is accessible within the Top Producer Settings, in the Calendar sub-tab. It contains two sections: Calendar Settings, and Activities Settings.

Calendar Settings


Calendar Settings allows you configure the way your Calendar looks, as well as choose your Time Zone. By default, the Calendar opens to the Day View. If you prefer to work in Week View, you can configure your preference here. Choose your Work Day to adjust the way the Calendar shades the timeslots on Day View.

Make sure you select the correct Time Zone for your location so that scheduled activities, received emails, and notes will have the correct time stamp.

Activities Setting


By default, viewing All Activities in your Activities Summary will only show activities for the previous 14 days. If you would like to see more or less by default, you can set your preference in the Activities Settings section.

Note: Changing this setting to more than 14 days may result in longer load times for your All Activities Summary screen.

Log in to manage Calendar Settings.

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