Top Producer® 8i CRM: Adding and Removing Closing Parties

A single closing record can have multiple closing parties. Closing parties can include multiple buyers and sellers, listing and selling agents, and other parties such as insurance representatives or property inspectors.

You can add a closing party from your contact database or if you will be dealing with a closing party only once, you can add a closing party and have it not added to your database.

How to add a Closing Party:

  1. Open the Closing Parties tab. From the Main Menu bar, go to Listings & Closings and select Closings Summary.
  2. Click the closing you would like to open; the closing record will then open.
  3. Click the Closing Partiestab.


  4. Click on the Add Closing Party link in the bottom left.


There are three different ways to add a closing party:

From your Contact Database
  1. The Add Closing Party form will appear and by default the Contact List option is selected . Drag and drop the contact you want to add to the closing from the Contact Rolodex on the right hand side into the Contact section.


  2. Choose the contact’s Role from the options available; Buyer, Seller or Other. If you select Other:


    1. For the Roleof Other, you can select the party’s contact type from the drop down list.

      Tip: Click the contact type’s first letter on the keyboard to jump to that selection in the drop-down list.

    2. Then select who they represent by selecting the appropriate check box(es).


For this Closing Only (contact will not be added to your database)
  1. Select the Add a Contact for this Closing Only radio button.
  2. Enter in the closing party’s details.


  3. Choose the contact’s Role from the options available; Buyer, Seller or Other. If you select Other:


    1. For the Roleof Other, you can select the party’s contact type from the drop down list.

      Tip: Click the contact type’s first letter on the keyboard to jump to that selection in the drop-down list.

    2. Then Select who they represent by selecting the appropriate check box(es).


From the Common Closing Parties List

The Common Closing Parties list is a collection of contacts that are often involved when you are dealing with a closing such as mortgage brokers or property inspectors. All of the contacts that are part of the Common Closing Parties list exist in your contact database as well. Adding them to the Common Closing Parties list makes it easier to find and add them when you’re creating or editing a closing record. For more information on Adding a Common Closing Party see Adding Contacts to the Common Closing Party List.

Note: The Add Closing Agent link is only available on team or partnership accounts. To add agents when you are not on a team account, enter the agent as a contact in your database and then add the agent as a common closing party.


How to Remove Closing Parties

  1. Open the Closing Parties tab. From the Main Menu bar, go to Listings and select Closings Summary.
  2. Click the click on the closing you would like to open; the closing record will then open.
  3. Click the Closing Parties tab.
  4. Click the Delete icon delete-icon adjacent to the contact.
  5. Click Yes confirm or No to cancel.


Log in to add and remove closing parties.

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