How do I adjust home values?

You can modify home values in your contacts in two ways: individually or as a group.

To modify on an individual basis:

  1. Go to your Contacts, and select the homeowner for whom you would like to adjust their home value and click View Details

2. Once in the individual contact’s page, click on Property Details. Now that you are here, you can modify values by dragging the horizontal scroll bar to either increase or decrease the home value by up to 30%. You can also type in a specific value.

4. Click Apply Changes. The update will take immediate effect.

To modify a group of properties:

1. Refine your list so only the contacts with the desired homes you would like to adjust are left. *Note: you can use the search feature to filter by street name.

2. Select all the contacts for which you would like to apply this change by clicking the checkbox on the top left-hand corner of the list. The option to modify the values for your selected contacts will then appear. *Note: Clicking the checkbox will select only the contacts currently loaded on the screen. To select everyone in the list, click the “Select all (x) contacts button.

3. Drag the horizontal scroll bar to either increase or decrease the home values by up to 30%.

4. Click Save. The update will take immediate effect.

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