About Market Builder

The Market Builder direct-mail service enables you to direct inquiries from targeted addresses and/or address ranges to the Market Snapshot service, where they have the potential of becoming leads and clients.

Use Market Builder to define a "farm" of multiple street addresses and then apply a timed direct-mail campaign to those addresses. Each campaign consists of a set of postcards mailed out at roughly 4-month intervals. The exact dates are determined by a Top Producer effectiveness research.

Postcards are personalized with the homeowner's information, and with your photo, logo, and branding information. In addition, each postcard features a personal access code that will both auto-populate the homeowner's address information when they visit the BetterHomePrice.com Web site (makes completed responses more likely) and allow you to track the responses that originate specifically from the Market Builder service.

Responding recipients who request a Market Snapshot report from the BetterHomePrice.com Web site are automatically removed from any subsequent mailouts, and automatically replaced with a new address from the farm reserve of unassigned addresses.

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions, see "Market Builder FAQ".

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