Top Producer® Websites: Moving Existing Widgets (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) on Pages

If a widget (an embedded object or other external tool) has been placed in a webpage, it can be easily moved to a different location on the page, or even to another webpage on the same site. Use the below instructions as a guide to easily change the location of the widget. For instructions on how to add a new widget, please see Adding Widgets (YouTube, Facebook, etc.) to Pages or Web Boxes.

The example used is a YouTube video widget, which displays a YouTube video on a web page, but the same process applies to widgets from any source.

  1. Log in to the Top Producer Website Control Panel or Featured Website Control Panel. If you have multiple websites hosted in the account, click the picture of the desired website to edit.
  2. Under Quick Tools, click Edit My Pages.
  3. In the Website Manager, click Manage My Pages.
  4. Locate the page containing the widget and click Edit on that page line.
  5. In the Content section, both before and after the widget is shown on the page, type XXXX.

    Website Page - Content Editor

    Then place the cursor at the location where the widget needs to be moved to, make room as necessary, and type 123456789. This typed text will be deleted later, and serve only to make it much easier to find the needed page code within HTML mode in the next step.

    Website Page - Content Editor

  6. Click the HTML (<>) icon in the bottom left corner of the Content Editor window.

  7. In the HTML view, locate the two sets of “XXXX” previously entered, and select the XXXXs and all the code between them. Cut the code using CTRL+X (PC) or Command+X (Mac).

    Website Page - HTML Editor

  8. Locate the 123456789 on the page that was also previously entered, delete it, and then paste the code in its place using CTRL+V (PC) or Command+V (Mac).

    Website Page - HTML editor - paste code

    Once pasted, delete the two lines with the XXXXs to leave just the desired widget code.

  9. Switch back to the Design view by clicking on the Pencil Icon in the bottom left corner. Please note that some widgets will not show inside the editor, and will only appear after the page is saved and viewed on the live website.
  10. Click the Save Page button at the bottom to save the page.
  11. Make sure to view the website to ensure the widget shows correctly on the page.

    Website Page - Confirm Widget

Log in to move existing widgets.

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