Top Producer® 8i CRM: Tracking the Lead Lifecycle Using Statuses

Top Producer CRM helps you track the progress of your sales opportunities through their lifecycle. Using the seven statuses outlined below, you will know exactly what stage a lead is in, enabling you to do the following:

Contact new leads immediately
Leads received via lead providers and those you enter manually are automatically assigned a New status and appear on the New tab in your Sales Pipeline.


Prevent leads you haven't successfully engaged from slipping through the cracks
If contact with a lead wasn’t successful, moving the status to Engage serves as an important reminder that follow-up is required. Leads with this status appear on the Engage tab in the Sales Pipeline.


Target specific groups based on where leads are in their lifecycle
You can easily address the unique needs of each stage by targeting contacts with a specific status. Perform a search by contact status, or generate a Contact Status Report to view a list of contacts and their status.


Get an accurate view of your Sales Pipeline
The Sales Pipeline provides quick access to each status, displaying your new leads and other opportunities in their various stages of the lead lifecycle.


Available Contact Statuses

There are seven statuses available to describe the state of a lead or contact. Here are some ideas about what the different stages could be used for, but these are just suggestions. Use the statuses however you see fit!

Status Description
new-status New<

Never contacted. These leads should be contacted right away.

This status is automatically assigned to leads received via lead providers and those leads you enter manually.

engage-status Engage Contacted, but not yet qualified. You are not clear of key details, such as how close they are to buying/selling or what their financial status is.
future-status Future Long-term opportunity. These contacts are not ready to buy or sell in the near future.
active-status Active Short-term opportunity. You are currently working on an opportunity with these contacts.
closed-icon Closed Completed transaction.
inactive-status Inactive

No current opportunity.

Could be used to group those that aren’t interested but you don’t want to delete from your database.

non-client-status Non Client Someone you do business with that is not a client (i.e., inspectors, lawyers, etc).

Note: Contacts with Inactive or Non Client status will not show on your Sales Pipeline. Find the contact and change their status if you would like them to appear.

When to Assign Specific Statuses

Contact statuses are not automatically updated as you perform specific functions in Top Producer CRM. You decide when to move the lead to the next stage.

Depending on how you do business, there are many different scenarios when you would want to change the status of a contact. The table below provides a few examples of when you may want to assign another status.

Stage When to apply another status
First contact You contacted the lead, but didn’t qualify it. Move the status to Engage so you know that you’ve attempted contact.
Engaged and qualified Move the status to Active if they are a short-term opportunity, or Future if they are a long-term opportunity.
Actively working on an opportunity Move the status to Future if the deal falls through, or Closed once the deal is completed.

Viewing and Changing a Contact’s Status

You can assign a status by clicking the Update Pipeline Status update-pipeline-status icon from the Sales Pipeline.


And you can also change a contact’s status from the Contact Record.


Log in to view the Sales Pipeline.

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