Top Producer® 8i CRM: Editing a Personal Presentation Template

Once you’ve created a personal category and saved your personal presentation template, you can open it to make format and content changes.

  1. Click the Marketing main menu icon to open the Marketing landing page.
  2. Click the Presentation Library link to open the Presentation Library page.
  3. From the Presentation Library page select your personal category from the Show Category drop-down list. The personal template has a Personal Template 8i Edit Personal Presentation Template icon under the Personal Template 8i Edit Personal Presentation Template column to indicate it’s a personal copy.
  4. Hover over the copied template and click the Edit Page link to open the personal template in preview mode, which allows you to change the format of the presentation. Note that this opens a new tab or window.


Preview Mode Tools

There are many features on the preview mode page you can use to change the layout and general look of the template.

  1. Zoom drop-down list: Changes the view size when you select a percentage from the list.
  2. Navigation links: Use the Prev Page and Next Page links to view the presentation pages.
  3. Page drop-down list: Select the name of a presentation page to view.
  4. Reorder/Add Pages link: Click this link to open a page allowing you to add, remove, or rearrange the presentation pages.
    1. Delete a page: Click the Delete Page from Template 8i Edit Personal Presentation Template icon next to the page name you’d like to remove. A pop-up message opens asking you to confirm the deletion. Click the Yes button.
    2. Reorder pages: Hover your mouse cursor over a page name from the list until you see a 4-headed arrow. Drag and drop the page below or above another page to its new location.


    3. Add a page: Opens the Add Page tool. Select a category and presentation template to open a list of the template’s pages below. Hover your mouse cursor over a page name from the list until you see a 4-headed arrow. Drag and drop the page to the list of pages you’re editing and insert it in its new location.


      When you’re finished removing, reordering, and adding pages to your template, click the Done button to save your changes and take you back to the template edit page.

  5. Edit Stationery link: Click the link to open the presentation’s stationery in preview mode. Choose the stationery you want to edit from the drop-down list and click the Edit Page button. You can include a background, header and footer images, or add or remove merge codes to the stationery pages.


    Click the Save Page button to save your changes. Click the Close Stationery Page button from the preview mode to return to the presentation’s preview mode.

  6. Print * icon: Prints the previewed template.
  7. PDF * icon: View or print the previewed template as a PDF file.
  8. Edit Page button: Click this button to edit a page’s content using the TP Editor.
  9. Edit Page Details button: Change the page name or the stationery used for the presentation page you’re previewing by clicking the button to open the Template Details segment below.

    8i Edit Personal   Presentation Template

    Click the Save Page Details button to save your changes.

  10. Create for Contact button: Takes you through the steps to create a presentation for a contact. The previewed template is already selected for you.
  11. To exit the presentation template, close the browser tab or the window it opened when you began editing. Be sure to click any available Save options before closing the presentation.

Edit Mode Tools

If you want to change the text, images, or comparables for a particular page, you’ll need to open it in edit mode. From the preview mode of a personal presentation template, select a page to edit and click the Edit Page button.


  1. Use the TP Editor just as you would a standard word processing tool to edit the presentation page’s content.
  2. Insert Comparable(s) link: You can add comparable listings to a template page. Click the link to open the Insert Comparables segment below.

    8i Edit Personal Presentation Template

    1. Use the Type of Comparables drop-down list to select the type of comparable(s) you want the page to display.
    2. Choose one of the Layout option buttons to determine the layout of the comparables, or customize the number of columns (maximum 5) and rows (maximum 30). Click the Insert Comparable(s) button to add your comparables. You should now see yellow text boxes on your page that will display your merged comparable information.

      Note: The number of comparables a personal template can display is determined by the default template the copy is based on. For example, if the default template can show only 4 comparables, that’s the maximum number you can display on the personal template.

    3. In order to pull in information from the MLS, you’ll need to add merge codes to the comparable text boxes. Click the Edit Comparable(s) link. One comparable, representing the entire set for the page appears.

      8i Edit Personal Presentation Template

    4. Click the Insert Merge Code link to open the Insert Merge Code segment below.

      8i Edit Personal Presentation Template

      Decide if you want to display text information, such as listing address or property details, or a listing picture. The Type option button determines what category and merge code you can select. Click the Insert Merge Code button to add the code into the comparables text box.

    5. Once you’ve added all the merge codes, click the Save Comparable button to save your changes and take you back to the presentation page in edit mode.

  3. Insert Merge Code link: Merge codes already used in the template appear in a yellow box. The name of the merge code identifies what kind of information will be pulled from a record when it’s time to run the template.

    To add more merge codes, first place your cursor where you want to add the code on the template. Then click the Insert merge Code link at the bottom of the editor page to open the insert Merge Code segment below.

    8i Edit Personal Presentation Template

    Just like templates, merge codes are grouped into categories to make it easier for you to find the ones you need. Before you can choose a category you must decide if you want to insert a merge code that will pull in text information or picture information. Selecting a type populates the Category drop-down list.

    1. Insert or Delete Text Merge Codes

      To pull in text information, select the Text Merge Codes option button and the appropriate category. Choose a merge code from the Merge Code drop-down list and click the Insert Merge Code button to add the code to your template and close the Insert Merge Code segment, or click the Insert & Add Another Merge Code button to add the code into the template and keep the Insert Merge Code segment open. You should now see the added merge code on your template.

      If you want to delete a merge code, simply click on the merge code to highlight it and click the Delete button on your keyboard.

    2. Insert or Delete Picture Merge Codes

      To pull in a photo, choose the Picture Merge Codes option button and the appropriate category. Select the type of photo you want to add from the Merge Code drop-down list and click the Insert Merge Code button. The photo merge code gets inserted in the center of the page. From here, you can resize and move the picture anywhere on the page.

      To resize the picture code, click on the code so you see a green border. Move your cursor to a corner until you see a double-ended arrow. Click on the arrow (keeping your mouse key depressed) and move the edges until you get the desired size. You can also resize the picture border (the white space between the picture and template text) by placing your mouse on top of the green line until you see a double-headed arrow and then click and drag to the desired border size.

      Delete a picture merge code by clicking on the code to highlight it (you need to see the green border) and click the Delete button on your keyboard.

Once you’re finished making changes to the presentation page, click the Save Page button to save the changes and take you back to preview mode.

Log in to edit a personal presentation template.

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