Top Producer® 8i CRM: Adding an Income or Expense Item

Once you’ve created categories for your income and expenses, you can start to create records for your earnings and expenses. The steps to create an item for income and expenses are identical. In this article we’ll create an income item.

  1. From the Applications main menu item, click Income/Expense Tracker under the Financial section.
  2. The Income/Expense Tracker page opens.
  3. Click the desired folder name to open it.
  4. From the Income Categories segment, click a category name to open it.
  5. Click the Add Income link to open the form below and enter the income details.

    IMAGE: 8i Financial - Add Item

    1. Sub Category drop-down list: Click the Add link to create selections for the list.
    2. Description field: Make sure the description is detailed enough that you can identify the income item.
    3. GST field: You will only see this field if you’re a Canadian user. If taxes were applied to the property, click the GST calculation link to include GST and/or PST, then click the Calculate link to populate the GST field with the correct value based on the Amount field. If you’re a Canadian user, you can set your GST and PST preferences. For more information, see Setting Your GST/HST Preferences.

  6. Once you’ve entered all the details, click the Add Income button.
  7. The income item is added to the income category.

To edit an income or expense item, click on the item name. Click the Save Income or Save Expense button to save your changes.

Click the Delete IMAGE:   8i Financial - Add Item icon to remove an item.

Log in to add an income/expense item.

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