Top Producer® 8i CRM: Performing a Mass Contact Update

The mass update feature enables you to quickly and efficiently add, remove, and change information for multiple contact records. There are 3 parts to performing a mass update:

  • Find a group of contacts to update
  • Specify the changes to be made
  • Perform the update

Warning: There is no undo function when performing mass updates, therefore be very careful when making any changes to a group of contacts using this tool.

  1. From the main menu go to Contacts and then click Search for Contacts.
  2. Enter your search criteria in the Search for Contacts form and click the Search button.
  3. A list of contacts matching your search criteria displays.


    Place a check mark next to the contacts you want to modify, and click the Mass Update link.

  4. The Mass Update form opens.


  5. Specify the changes you want to make, such as contact type, primary property details, contact information, or assigned action plans.
  6. Click the Update Contacts button. A message appears asking you to confirm the update. Click the Yes button.

    Note: If you made an error during the mass update process, contact Customer Care.

Log in to perform a mass contact update.

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