Top Producer® 8i CRM: Available Prospect Reports

The following table defines the Prospect reports available in Top Producer CRM, a description of these reports, and the locations from which the report can be produced. All reports can be produced from the My Business Area and the Prospect List Screen

Report Name Report description
Prospect List A report that displays a list of all prospects, including their address and contact information, why they were added to the Prospect List, the latest notes entered and the last communication date.
Prospect Activity Report A report that lists all related activities you have done for each prospect, including activities you have marked done, any follow-up calls you have scheduled, and any notes you have added. This report also lists the prospect’s contact method and why they were added to the Prospect List.
Excluded from Prospect List A report listing all contacts you have chosen to exclude from your Prospect List.

Log in to create a Prospect report.

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