Top Producer® Community Guidelines

Top Producer® Support provides community forums in which users can ask and answer questions and discuss topics relating to Top Producer® products, services, the real estate industry, home buying, selling, and renting, and home ownership. The information and content in Top Producer® Support forums is posted by individual community members and not by Move, Inc. (“Move”). Move neither provides, supports, endorses, nor controls any such content. Move is not liable or responsible for any content posted to Top Producer® Support by a user.

All users of Top Producer® Support forums are required to adhere to the Terms of Use and these Community Guidelines (the “Rules”):

Respect the rights of others who participate in the community. To this end, the following behaviors are prohibited:

  1. Harassment, threats, or causing distress and/or unwanted attention to other Community members or moderators.
  2. Name-calling, derogatory references to others, or other insults.
  3. Posting or commenting with the intent of provoking another user or users (“trolling”).
  4. Repeatedly commenting about, derogatorily referencing, taunting, or @mentioning (“flaming”) another user for their behavior, spelling, grammar, comments, answers, or general behavior that is not in violation of these Rules.
  5. Bringing disagreements with someone into unrelated threads or blog posts/comments.
  6. Personal attacks, profanity, harassment, inappropriate, racist, threatening, or obscene material, or other inappropriate behavior.
  7. Be patient with new users as they learn the rules of the road.
  8. Remain respectful of Top Producer®, its operator, Move, Inc., and its affiliates. Do not post anything defamatory against Top Producer®, Move, Inc. or its affiliates, or any of their employees, any Community moderators, or any Community volunteers.
  9. Do not use, distribute, spotlight, or post (including via links) profanity, slurs, sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, violent, hateful, racially, nationally, ethnically offensive content or language, or other content deemed inappropriate at the discretion of the Community team.
  10. This extends to, but is not limited to, deliberate misspellings, substituted punctuations, or other special characters in, filtered words to circumvent any profanity filters of the Community.
  11. Individual boards within the Community may have rules in addition to these Rules; it is your responsibility to understand and adhere to any such additional rules.
  12. Be respectful of the law. Do not post content that violates any local, state, national, or international laws or regulations, including federal, state, and local fair housing laws, which prohibit discrimination in the provision of housing. Do not discuss illegal activities.
  13. Do not post any content that violates or infringes on anyone’s copyright or other intellectual property rights. Do not upload or transmit copyrighted material without the express consent of the copyright holder.
  14. Do not violate, or promote the violation of these Rules, the Terms of Use, or any other agreement in place between Move and any of its users or customers.
  15. Do not use the Community to spam or to market, promote, advertise or solicit products or services. Do not post advertisements for (or URLs of) other websites. Any type of spamming, solicitation, marketing, or advertisement may result in your immediate removal from the Community or other action against your account.
  16. Do not post empty posts or repeatedly post the same material.
  17. Do not make short posts for the sole purpose of moving your thread up the Forums (“bumping”) or adding to your post count. Any attempt to do so may result in your account being reset to the base level and stripped of rewards or perks or other action against your account. Repeated attempts to falsely earn rewards or standing in the community may result in action against your account, up to and including termination of the account.
  18. Do not post the same thread to multiple forums (“cross-posting”) without the express permission of the Community team.
  19. Do not post links to malicious programs (Trojans, viruses, etc).
  20. Do not post the personal information of another person without such other person’s express consent. This includes but is not limited to their real name, address, phone number, or email address, or links to personal websites. Also be cautious about sharing your own personal information.
  21. Do not re-post private messages on the Community without the express consent of the sender.
  22. Discussion of religious or political topics is prohibited on the wider Community Sites.
  23. Do not re-post or quote any materials that violate the Community Guidelines. This includes re-posting a thread or topic that has been previously closed or removed by the Community Team.
  24. Keep discussions on topic. Make sure all posts are relevant to the particular forum and the particular thread. We understand that sometimes discussions naturally range far from where they originally began, but posting something like “I like pizza” in the middle of a discussion about submitting an offer on a home would not be appropriate. Likewise, creating an “I had pizza for dinner” thread anywhere outside of the Off Topic discussion forum will be deemed inappropriate, as well.
  25. Do not deliberately misrepresent yourself as another person in your posts, linked images, or signature.
  26. Please do not respond in kind to posts that violate the Community Guidelines, as this may result in disciplinary action against your own account. Report the post to the moderation team for review by contacting Customer Care.
  27. Only one account per person is allowed. Alternate accounts may be immediately removed, and action against the main account may also result. Impersonation of any forum member or Move employee may result in immediate termination of account privileges.

Failure to comply with these Rules or the Terms of Use may result in the removal of content from the Community and/or action against a user’s account, including, but not limited to, restricting an account’s access and/or terminating an account.

Move reserves the right to, but is not obligated to, monitor or screen the posts or comments within the Community. Move may edit or remove any content or post at any time in its sole discretion.

Enforcement of these Rules and the Terms of Use is at Move’s sole discretion, and no failure to enforce a particular rule or term shall constitute a waiver of Move’s right to enforce such rule or term or other rules or terms. The Community team may remove any post or content at any time.

All moderation of the Community is at the discretion of Move, and all moderation decisions are final. Move will not publicly discuss moderation decisions or actions taken against members’ accounts, and we ask that you do not either. Any threads or posts that mention infractions, bans, or thread/post deletions or modifications, etc. are subject to removal and may result in further disciplinary action.

Once posted, all posts are the property of Move.

These Rules, the Terms of Use, and all other applicable rules and conduct guidelines are subject to change without notice; please review them regularly.

Use of the Community is also subject to our Privacy Policy.