Real Estate Marketing & Technology Advice for Agents - Top Producer Blog

NEW! Updates to help you determine your Market Snapshot® ROI

Written by Christine Clay | Jul 22, 2019 6:09:25 PM

So you send Market Snapshot® reports to effortlessly provide your clients with hyperlocal, hard-to-find info on the real estate market, including new listing and sold data. But have you ever wondered about your ROI on the Market Snapshot® reports you send? If so, this latest release is for you!

From a weekly summary that tells you how many reports end up in spam, to reducing the amount of snapshot notifications you receive in a day, we’ve got you covered.

#1. Meet your new weekly Market Snapshot® performance report

Now we can tell you that over the last 3 weeks an average of only 0.12% of Market Snapshot® reports* ended up in the spam folder, but wouldn’t you rather see for yourself in a weekly summary delivered to your inbox?

We thought so, which is why we redesigned the Market Snapshot® performance report to include all that and more. Every Monday we’ll send a weekly summary and let you know who your biggest fans are. (Who said Mondays are no fun?)

Pro tip: Reach out to your most engaged readers – the latest Market Snapshot® report is a great conversation starter.

#2. One daily Market Snapshot® summary email, not hundreds.

No one likes an overcrowded Inbox, and our next Market Snapshot® update should help with that. A shout out to Alexander for letting us know he was receiving 100+ (!) emails a day about all the snapshots he was sending. He posted a comment in our Facebook group and a few weeks later we were pleased to roll out our new summary email.

We’ll now send you one daily email that includes details about the snapshots you sent that day. Thanks to Alex for taking the time to give us feedback. (If you have other product requests, join our Facebook group and let us know!)

#3. All Market Snapshot® emails now go through SendGrid to make sure everyone is receiving your fabulous, engaging content.

Each and every piece of content you send from the Market Snapshot® product will now be sent using SendGrid—a trusted email delivery expert. A while ago we partnered with SendGrid to ensure your Market Snapshot® reports reached your clients. And now all of the Listing Alerts you send go through SendGrid too. So we can continue to exceed the typical real estate statistics quoted by Mailchimp:

#4. Last but not least, if a contact isn’t opening your reports for an extended period of time, YOU decide what to do—not us.

Once upon a time, if a contact wasn’t opening your fabulous reports, we would automatically send them fewer reports until they were eventually receiving one report every six months. But now you decide what to do with these contacts—not us. So they’ll remain on the same frequency until you decide to change it.

That’s it for now—we hope you enjoy the updates!

Want more info on how Market Snapshot® reports help you stay top of mind by providing consumers with market info they can’t find anywhere else? Give us a call at 1.855.534.5534.


* A 3-week average of all Market Snapshot® reports that are sent. Individual results will vary.

Screenshots represent site and mobile applications as of publication date. Site and mobile applications subject to change without notice.