Top Producer® X CRM: Contact Types & Statuses

Organize and tag your contacts the easy way by assigning contact types and contact statuses in Top Producer® X CRM.

Contact Types

Contact Types are a powerful tool for helping to organize all of the contacts in your database. Think of a contact type like a category, label, or group that you assign to your contacts to help classify them in a meaningful way. You can create your own contact types and apply them to as many contacts as you like.

Creating a New Contact Type

You can create a new contact type when adding a new contact or editing an existing contact.

  1. Go to Contacts > Add Contact, or open an existing contact record and click Edit Contact.
  2. Click in the Contact Types field, start typing in the name of the contact type you’d like to add.
  3. Click Add on the Add <type> as a new contact type prompt that appears.

Applying a Contact Type to a Contact

You can apply contact types as you add a new contact to your database, or apply contact types to any existing contact record.

When Adding a Contact:

  1. Go to Contacts > Add Contact.
  2. Click in the Contacts Types field search for the contact type you’d like to add.
  3. Click the contact type to apply it to the contact.
  4. Click Add Contact after you’ve completed the rest of the contact’s details.

When Editing an Existing Contact Record:

  1. Open the existing contact record.
  2. Click Edit Contact.
  3. Click in the Contacts Types field search for the contact type you’d like to add.
  4. Click the contact type to apply it to the contact.
  5. Click Save Contact.

Note: To remove a contact type, click the x next to a contact type when editing the contact.

Mass Applying Contact Types

On the Contacts page, you can easily apply a contact type to multiple contacts. Select the contacts you’d like to apply a type to, then click the Contact Type icon .

Select the desired contact type(s) and click Add Contact Types to mass apply them to each selected contact.

Searching by Contact Type

To search by contact type, enter “is:” and the contact type. For example, to find all contacts with the “Seller” contact type, type “is:Seller” in the search box.

To search for more than one contact type, separate the types with a comma (i.e. “is: seller, buyer”). Clicking a contact type tag (i.e. ) in a contact record or contact list will also search by contact type.

Tip: Customize the colors of your contact type tags by going to Settings > UI Settings.

Contact Statuses

Top Producer® X CRM helps you track the progress of your sales opportunities through their lifecycle. Using the seven statuses outlined below, you will know exactly what stage a lead is in, enabling you to contact new leads immediately, target specific groups, and get an accurate view of your sales pipeline.

Available Contact Statuses

There are seven statuses to describe the state of a contact:

  • New: Automatically assigned to leads received via lead providers and those leads you enter manually.
  • Engage: Contacted, but not yet qualified. Perhaps you’re not sure yet how close they are to buying/selling.
  • Future: Long-term opportunity. Not likely to buy or sell in the near future.
  • Active: Short-term opportunity. Someone you’re currently working with on an opportunity.
  • Closed: Completed transaction.
  • Inactive: No current opportunity, but perhaps you don’t want to delete them from your database.
  • Non Client: Someone you do business with that is not a client (for example, inspectors, lawyers, etc.).

When to Assign Specific Statuses

You decide when to move the lead to the next stage. The following are a few examples of when you may want to assign another status:

  • You contacted a lead for the first time: You contacted the lead, but didn’t qualify it. Move the status to Engage so you know that you’ve attempted contact.
  • You qualified a lead: You know how close they are to buying/selling. Move the status to Active if they are a short-term opportunity, or Future if they are a long-term opportunity.
  • You are working on an opportunity: You are actively working with a lead. Move the status to Future if the deal falls through, or Closed once the deal is completed.

Changing a Contact’s Status

Change a contact’s status from their contact record.

  1. Open the contact record.
  2. Select a new contact status, the status change will be automatically applied.
  3. To change a status to Inactive or Non Client, click Edit Contact > select the new status > Save Changes.

Log in to add contact types and statuses.

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