Top Producer® Websites: Adding a Web Box to a Web Page

You can add a web box to a web page to include additional content. The location of a web box depends on the theme you have chosen for your website.

To add an existing web box to a web page, please follow the step below:

  1. From the main menu click Edit Site. The Website Manager window opens.
  2. Click Manage My Web Boxes. The Web Box Manager window opens.
  3. Click Manage Pages on the web box you’d like to add to a web page.


  4. On the Add Web Box to Selected Pages pop-up, place a checkmark next to the pages to which you’d like to add the web box and click Submit


    Tip: You can add a web box to a main or subpage. The subpage titles are indented.

  5. From the main menu click View Site to view your changes.

Log in to add a web box to a web page.

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