Top Producer® 8i CRM: Automating Service Reports with Service Report Plans

Top Producer CRM makes it easy for you to generate and publish service reports by providing you with a tool to streamline the process – service report plans. Service report plans pre-schedule a series of service reports to be generated over the life of a listing or closing.

This means that once you apply the plan to your contact’s listing, reports will automatically generate. All that’s left for you to do is create your contact’s Customer Web Page login information (if you haven’t already), publish the report, and email the link to the customer.

Follow the steps below to apply a service report plan to a listing.

Note: Service report plans can only be applied to open listings.

  1. Open the listing record and go to the Service Reports subtab on the Activities tab.

    8i Service Report Plans

  2. Click the Select Service Reports Plan link to open a segment below.

    8i Service Report Plans

  3. Select a plan from the drop-down list and click the Save button. The pre-scheduled reports defined in the plan now appear on the Service Reports subtab.

You can view generated reports that need to be published and sent from the Service Reports submenu item of the Listings main menu icon. Open a report to view or add service activities, preview the service report, or publish and send it.

Log in to automate service reports.

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