Top Producer® 8i CRM: Searching for Emails in your Inbox

If you have a lot of emails in your email folders, you can search for specific ones. To search for specific emails follow the steps below:

  1. Select the folder from the left hand side to display a list of all the emails contained in that folder.


  2. Click the more options link in the upper right hand corner of the Inbox. This will expand the email toolbar displaying the email search tool.


  3. From the email search tool enter the either the contact type from the drop-down list, a specific contact name or email address to narrow down your search.


  4. Click the Show Emails button to display only those emails in your Inbox that meet your search criteria.

    Note: The more options link searches on information from linked contact records, therefore only messages that are linked to contacts in your database are returned by the search.

Log in to search for emails.

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