Top Producer® 8i CRM: Adding and Editing Email Signatures

Top Producer provides you with the ability to specify multiple signatures and assign them to specific types of email messages. This can be useful if you use different signatures depending on the situation or type of marketing you are sending.

To access your signature settings:

  1. Open the Top Producer Settings.
  2. Select the Email tab.

    Email Signature Settings

  3. Select the Signature sub-tab.

The Signatures section displays the currently configured signatures. Clicking on anywhere in the Signature Usage area (or clicking Edit Signature at the bottom) will switch the screen to edit mode and allow you to assign your signatures for different uses, and select if you’d like it to be included automatically by default.


Clicking the the name of your signature opens the editor where you can edit the contents of your signature.

If you would like to add a new signature, click Add Signature.

Some things to keep in mind about Multiple Signatures:

  • The Multiple Signature feature was added to Top Producer in an update. If you had an email signature prior to the update, your signature will be called Signature 1. You can always change this at any time by editing your signature and entering the new Signature Name.
  • If you also use Top Producer 7i, the last Signature Usage option – Top Producer 7i (Agent Setup) – determines which signature will be used for all email marketing in 7i with one exception: any 7i auto-send email activities will take the signature from the Top Producer Email Activities value.
  • The Marketing/Letter Signature, which appears at the bottom of printed material,  is completely separate from the Email Signature. It can be configured in Preferences, by selecting the Marketing tab. Note that you cannot add any images to the Marketing Signature.

Editing a Signature

Clicking on a Signature Name opens the signature for editing.


Font and layout controls are located along the top. The upper right hand side of the interface has controls for (from left to right) adding a picture from file, inserting a horizontal line, inserting a hyperlink, and viewing the help menu.

In the lower right are two options:

  1. Insert Agent Photo: Inserts the Agent Photo uploaded to your account profile, under My Account.
  2. Insert Company Logo: Inserts the Company Logo uploaded to your account profile, under My Account.

Clicking Save Signature saves your changes and returns you to the previous screen. Cancel discards all changes.

Log in to edit email signatures.

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