
Path to Logo:

Market Snapshot Widget Code:

Agent Information

Agent Name:

Agent Phone:

Agent Phone 2:

Agent Company:




Agent Photo

Market Snapshot Page Details

Page Title:

Page Description:

Page Keywords:

Path to Agent Photo:

Agent Bio Title:

Agent Bio:

Footer Message:

The code above can be used to create a standalone html page that can be used on any website.

Add to my Topproducer/Featured website

  1. Select and copy the generated code above. (CTRL+A to select all)
  2. Open Notepad on your computer and paste (CTRL+V, or right-click and select paste) the code into the blank document.
  3. Save the file to your computer using the filename marketsnapshot.html
  4. Login to your Top Producer Website: https://www.topproducerwebsite.com/
  5. upload the file to Update My Site Options
  6. In the Web Site Files area, Right-Click the filename marketsnapshot.html and select Copy Shortcut.
  7. Once you have copied the shortcut, place your cursor in the TWS URL field and paste the shortcut link.
  8. Higlight & copy the generated code. - this code can be placed into any General Layout page on your website.