Fixing Failed Market Snapshots

When a Market Snapshot fails to generate, you receive an email informing you of the failure. The email will contain the reason for the failure, and the action you should take to fix it. Refer to the table below for a list of errors and how to resolve them.

The summary report on the Control Panel contains a list of the Market Snapshot inquiries that have recently failed. Failure can occur for new Market Snapshot inquiries, new HomeInsight inquiries, and failed updates.

Market Snapshot Failure Messages

failure message



Your MLS login credentials were not accepted

MLS login credentials are incorrect

Re-enter your MLS username and password in the Market Snapshot Agent Setup. Then try generating the Market Snapshot manually.

The address entered for the consumer could not be found.

The given address can not be found

Check address details and fix any typos. Then regenerate the Market Snapshot manually.

The MLS returned too many listings that matched the property details of the consumer.

MLS returned too many results

Check the details to see if the criteria can be narrowed to return fewer comparable listings. Then regenerate the Market Snapshot manually.

The MLS did not find any or enough listings that matched the property details of the consumer.

MLS returned no listings, or too few results

Check the details to make sure the property entered is in an area that is covered by your default MLS.

OR expand the property details and generate the Market Snapshot manually.

The consumer’s email address is not valid.

Email address validation

Check the email address to fix any obvious typos. Then regenerate the Market Snapshot manually.

We could not contact the MLS.

MLS interface unavailable

Wait 15 - 30 minutes and try generating the Market Snapshot manually.

Your MLS no longer supports the Market Snapshot.

Market Snapshot unavailable

Contact Customer Support to see if another MLS in your area does support the Market Snapshot.

We could not contact the MLS.

Temporary network error

Wait 15 - 30 minutes and try generating the Market Snapshot manually.

You have not turned on the Market Snapshot to automatically be sent to newly received leads.

Automatic Market Snapshot is not turned on

Check the appropriate box in the Market Snapshot Agent Setup and/or generate a Market Snapshot manually for this consumer.

MLS no longer supports search request

Fields may have been changed or removed in the search request

Modify the Market Snapshot search request and request a new report.

Auto Send MS is turned off

The Auto Send check box may have been cleared

Open Market Snapshot Setup and check the Auto Send MS check box for the MLS you are working with.

Any unusual error

Unspecified error (default)

Wait 15 - 30 minutes and try generating the Market Snapshot manually.  If this does not succeed, contact Customer Support.


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